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Varsha Pratipada The first day of the year according to the National Calendar of Bharat (in some parts, the Shalivahana Shaka and in the rest, the Vikrama Samvat – corresponding to the era beginning 78 A.D. and 57 B.C. respectively) is significant both for its historical import and for the advent of bountiful nature. The […]

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Dusserah, also known as Vijayadashmi, is celebrated on the tenth day, which follows nine days of Durga Pooja, some time in September / October. The Tenth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Aashwayuja. This is among the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar and comes as the finale of the […]

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Sangathan Divas

HINDU UNITY DAY: JYESHTHA SHUKLA TRAYODASHI  The thirteenth day of the bright half of Jyeshtha This function is to commemorate the Coronation of Chhatrapati Sri Shivaji Maharaj in 1674 A.D., at Raigadh in Maharashtra. According to Hindu calendar, the day was Jyeshtha Shuddha Trayodashi of Aananda Samvatsara of the Shalivahana Era 1596 (or Vikrama Era […]

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Raksha Bandhan

The Rakshaa Bandhan stirs up one of the deepest and noblest emotions in the human heart – the abiding and chaste bond of love between the brother and the sister. The delicate cord tied by the sister to the brother on this day pulsates with this sublime sentiment. History and legends of Bharat abound in […]

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Makar Sankranti

Certain Hindu festivals are associated with the annual cycle of seasons. Pongal in the South and Sankranti in the North are celebrated to mark the withdrawal of the southeast monsoons as well as the reaping of the harvest. Pongal festivities are spread over several days. Like Deepawali in the north, the advent of Pongal is […]

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