yam vaidikaa mantradrash: puraaNaa:
indram yamam maatarishvaanamaahu: |
vedaantino nirvacaneeyamekama
yam brahma shabdena vinirdishanti ||
shaivaayameeshm shiva ityavochana
yam vaishnavaa vishnuriti stuvanti |
buddhastathaarhanaiti bauddha jainaa:
sata Sree akaaleti cha sikhasantaa: ||
shaasteti kechit prakritih kumaara:
svaamiti maateti piteti bhaktayaa |
yam praarthayante jagadeeshataaram
sa eka eva prabhuradviteeya: ||
To whom the vaidikas, and the ancient seers call Indra, Yama and Maatarishwa, the vedantins indicate that inexplicable one by the word Brahma.
To which Almighty the Shaivites call Shiva and the Vaishnavites praise as Vishnu, the Bouddhas call him the Buddha and the Jains as Arhan; the Sikh sages call him as Sat Sri Akaal.
Some call that almighty as Shaastaa, some others as nature Kumaar or Swaami, Maataa or Pitaa through devotion & prayer. That Lord of Universe is only one absolute without a second.